Ode of a Virtual Assistant

My hybrid journey began earlier this year as XM Performance's first remote employee. I travel to DFW monthly to film content for XM Brands, then fly 1,000+ miles back to edit and provide virtual admin support to Fanni Gambero.

This unique role is still evolving, and our entire team is navigating the new territory. Is it sustainable? How do you stay connected with your team? And how do you maintain a work/life balance when your work is IN your life? As the world continues to heal from the dull aches and improvising of 2020, teams are slowly returning to the office. For those of us who still thrive at home, demonstrating consistent results is crucial. Here's what I've learned so far:

Build Your Own Office – No need to start the renovations; your “office” can be a corner of your bedroom or a spot in the den. What matters is having a dependable/private space that triggers your brain to do great work. Interruptions come in all shapes and sizes at home, so watch for the ones that rip you out of “work mode” and create blinders to shield yourself from disengaging. This may mean creating a knocking policy with your partner or splurging on those noise-canceling headphones.

Take Initiative to Connect – Let yourself be what you are: a vital member of a team. Actively schedule virtual coffees/lunches with your peers to connect and build foundations of trust. Socializing with the team will prevent mental withdrawal and help you learn about their preferred communication styles – both are essential to remote collaboration. 

Lastly, a Freebie – download all important business applications to your phone. Work boundaries are important, but when crises happen (and they will), having access to data during an emergency can save the day.

Remote work provides the autonomy to work independently and solve creative problems for your business. If you have any questions or would like to jump on a call to learn more about remote/hybrid work, please connect with me on LinkedIn, and we can discuss what works for you.


Happy Thanksgiving from the XM Talent Pros. team - 🦃!


Krystal Mechling
Small Business Xcelerator of XM Talent Pros

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