Welcome to the Q1 Scramble!

The holidays have screeched to a halt, the to-do list is flooding, and you're drowning in it. You’ve overwhelmed yourself to complete everything, but the tasks keep stacking. Something needs to change, as you can feel burnout approaching.

Xtra Mile Truth: You can’t do it all, and not everything is a priority.

Whether you’re an administrator or a business owner, ask yourself these three questions to organize your thoughts:

  1. What must I accomplish for the business to function this week? Before anything else, complete vital maintenance tasks that keep the company operating (paying bills, confirming inventory, etc.). With those out of the way, let’s continue.

  2. Is what I’m working on xcelerating our quarterly goals? Keep your quarterly dashboard where your team can see it and, in moments when you feel unsure, look back at top priorities. If you catch yourself re-writing already serviceable content when multiple Q1 goals are waiting in the wings, pivot and let Good (but currently irrelevant) Work wait. If your business doesn’t have a quarterly dashboard yet, let us catch you up with this simple-to-use tool. This will operate as your northern star and create company-wide clarity.

  3. What can I delegate? It’s time to be realistic about your capacity and leverage your team to complete important work that needs doing. While your bucket is full, there may be a teammate with less on their plate waiting for you to let go. If you’re a solo entrepreneur/admin, delegate to your future self with a project management tool like Meistertask or Asana.

Keep using this 3-Question exercise to sharpen your prioritizing power, and don’t let Q1’s flurry of ideas distract you from the MOST important work.


If all else fails, and you still find yourself bogged down, it may be time to hire the next superstar teammate to take the pressure off and help you focus on the highest-value tasks. Here's the secret: you can delegate that to us.

Krystal Mechling

Administrative Business Xcelerator

 & Chief Storyteller of XM Brands

Schedule a 30-min. call with our consultant team to discuss where your time is being spent, what you need to let go, and how to cover your natural blind spots.

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